Kamis, 24 September 2015 Grenadier-Division.Ru I noticed a new blog in my referral traffic this morning that I wanted to promote. I don't speak Russian but can appreciate how committe...
Rabu, 23 September 2015 John Tiller Software JTS - Aug. 3, 1943 Defending Belgorod - Scenario Development The German 168th Inf Division from Detachment Kempf and some mobile fire groups from 6th Panzer deployed to the rear of their lines. This is...
September 23, 2015 John Tiller Software JTS - Turn 7 Winter Counterattack You can just make out the bombed out buildings of Marinovka in this screenshot. It's clear from my initial setup and disposition of for...
Minggu, 20 September 2015 2014 Artistic Games DLC Linux Games Mac Games Modern PC Games PlayStation 4 Games PlayStation Vita Games Surreal Games Survival Games Windows Games Don't Starve: Reign of Giants DLC - Review For a game that's already uncompromisingly harsh 'Reign of Giants' adds in huge, lumbering additions that crush even the most ex...
Kamis, 17 September 2015 2013 Adventure Games Artistic Games First Impressions Of Offbeat post PlayStation 3 Games Stealth Games Surreal Games First Impressions Of... Rain My First Impressions of 'Rain'? Well, selecting it in the menu makes for a pretty background on my PS3 menu for a start but I don’t ...
Selasa, 15 September 2015 2013 2015 Casual Games Comedy Games Game countdown Modern PC Games Offbeat post Physics Games Rant Simulation Games 5 Simulator Games That Have Gone Too Far Simulator games are getting a little out of hand, it needs to be said. I’m not quite sure which game really set off the literally hundreds o...
Senin, 14 September 2015 John Tiller Software Panzer Battles 1943 - Winter Counterattack Scenario Development - John Tiller Software LAH is probing a Soviet Rifle Division along a snowy defensive line in January 1943. This is a fictional scenario I am creating using the J...
September 14, 2015 2008 Action Games First Impressions Of First Person Shooter Games Modern PC Games Offbeat post PlayStation 3 Games RPG Games Sandbox Games War Games Xbox 360 Games First Impressions Of... Fallout 3 I have a dilemma. After the whole 2015 E3 thing was over I was left anticipating several games and one of those was, 'Fallout 4'. As...
Minggu, 13 September 2015 2014 Adventure Games Alternative Endings Artistic Games Indie Games Interactive Fiction Games Kickstarter Linux Games Mac Games Modern PC Games Side Scrolling War Games Windows Games Unrest - Game Review In a time of severe civil and political unrest in a fictionalised version of ancient India you have the opportunity to try and make a differ...
Jumat, 11 September 2015 Command Ops Command Ops 2 Decisive Campaigns Blitzkrieg CO2 Scenario: A Question Of Bridges - May 12-13, 1940 German forces have driven deep into the Netherlands when a surprise Dutch counterattack is ordered by II Corps commander Jacob Harberts. Th...
Rabu, 09 September 2015 Book Recommendation(s)? I am looking for really good books (David Glantz like) covering the Fall of France in 1940, Belgium 1940 and Holland 1940. Any recommendati...
Senin, 07 September 2015 It's May 12, 1940 and I just... Counterattacked along the Lower Rhine river into Arnhem's western suburbs with the Dutch 4th Infantry Division. It's not going well....
September 07, 2015 Decisive Campaigns Blitzkrieg DC: Netherlands Turn May 11, 1940 There are three axes of attack by the Germans into the Netherlands plus the airborne component which landed behind Dutch lines. To throw th...
Minggu, 06 September 2015 Play By Email Doug at Cry Havoc and I are frequent Play by Email players and I really enjoy the challenge (even though Doug wins far more than I do!). Bel...
Selasa, 01 September 2015 Decisive Campaigns Blitzkrieg VR Designs Decisive Campaigns: Case Yellow - May 11, 1940 - Strategy Questions A Belgian defensive line forms as reinforcing Belgian forces move eastwards. Also visible, BEF air assets as I deploy them to the east to c...