Minggu, 22 Oktober 2017 Panzer Battles Panzer Battles: East of the Orne - Part II AAR Game: Panzer Battles Normandy by Wargame Design Studio Scenario designer: David Freer Turn 13 zoomed out shot of 90% of the battlefield....
Rabu, 18 Oktober 2017 East of Orne - 6th Airborne at Normandy 6 June AAR Part I Game: Panzer Battles Normandy by Wargame Design Studio Scenario designer: David Freer Scenario briefing: Ranville, North of Caen: June 6t...
Sabtu, 14 Oktober 2017 Pike & Shot: Ligny 1815 Mod by Edward77 I dusted off my P&S game in my STEAM account and powered it up this morning to check out the very robust modding community. Along with ...