Kamis, 18 Oktober 2018 The Bridge at Lodi French dead are piled high upon the stone span over the rider Adda at Lodi. This is Campaign Marengo by John Tiller Software.
Senin, 15 Oktober 2018 Panzer Battles Wargame Design Studio PzB North Africa 1941 - "Corinth Canal - Fallschirmjaeger Attack" AAR Scenario Briefing : Corinth Canal, Peloponnesus, Greece: April 26th, 1941. (Scenario Size: Regiment Head to Head or Human vs Allied AI) With...
Rabu, 10 Oktober 2018 Panzer Battles Wargame Design Studio PzB North Africa 1941 - Fall of Sidi Barani AAR There is a lot of desert to get through as the Allied Commander. If at the end of this digital battle I had a chance to meet the AI comman...
Selasa, 09 Oktober 2018 Panzer Battles Wargame Design Studio PzB North Africa 1941: Tobruk - April 30, Full Attack AAR Pioneers lead the way into the minefields and obstacles of the Allied defensive line around Point 209. Scenario Briefing: Tobruk, Eastern C...
Oktober 09, 2018 Wargame Design Studio PzB North Africa 1941: "Historical Heraklion" AAR Operation Mercury commenced with an airborne invasion on May 20, 1941. Fighting would last until June 1 and end with the surrender of ...